

KISS (Keep It Simple Sister!)

food abroad

I am a full time slow traveler.  I travel the world as a digital nomad.  I also strive to live a healthy lifestyle.  I’m a pescatarian. I’ve spent the better part of 2 decades practicing healthy eating habits.  Here is what I have learned as I moved around the world.

Living a healthy lifestyle can be much simpler than you might think. Once you understand which types of foods to avoid, you just need a few simple guidelines to get you going. Sure, new recipes help too, but you can also have fun adapting your favorite recipes to more healthy versions of themselves. Here are some simple tips to get you started: 

  • Avoid processed foods whenever possible.
  • Do not drink soda – not even diet.
  • Use cold-pressed olive oil, and avoid processed oils like canola and safflower. 
  • Eat raw fruits and veggies as often as possible – try having them with every meal.
  • Eat more fiber by adding things like oatmeal, oat bran and beans to your diet.

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