

Why Every Black Girl Should be Journaling RIGHT NOW

First and foremost, let me be honest.  I was HELLA late to the journaling game.  I mean I journaled as a child and tried to journal my first year of motherhood, but I have never been a consistent journaler UNTIL now.

Girlfriend, If you aren’t journaling, you are MISSING out. It is a GAMECHANGER!  Let me tell you why:

Journaling is a RELEASE!  You don’t have to be Toni Morrison.  Your journal is for your eyes and your eyes ONLY. 

It is tough out in this world for Black women, especially if you are talented, gorgeous (and trust me you are, the melanin don’t lie) and fighting for your place in this big brass world.

I have found that journaling for only 10-15 minutes a day CHANGES my world.  It calms me.  It releases tension and it causes my creative juices to flow.  By letting everything that is bottled up inside of me out of my body through a pen and a pad, I am liberated  

I feel refreshed. 

I have ideas for days.

The world doesn’t seem so harsh.

I let go of things, people and events that I should have let go of years ago.

And finally, I show up in the world a better version of myself.  I show up with as we Nigerians like to say: No Wahala (No problems).

But don’t take my word for it.  I invite each and every one of you Black women reading this to take the 7 day journaling challenge and report that.  

It is simple.  Each morning when you wake up, write in a journal for 10 minutes.  Write down whatever is on your mind.  Your first thoughts of the day.  Keep writing.  Do not worry if it makes sense, if it is grammatically correct, just write. 

After a week, come back to this page and comment below on how you are feeling.  I would absolutely love to hear back.

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