Black Children Abroad, Tips and Advice


Baby Ruth has already been on 3 cross country flights.  

Her first flight was when she was 10 days old.  We flew from San Francisco (where she was born) to Pittsburgh (where I was going to spend the bulk of my maternity leave).  All of our flights have been relatively stress free thanks to advanced planning and some smart tips.  Here are a few of my tips for  a less stressful journey.

(1) Space is your friend.  If you can afford it buy two seats and if you can really afford it upgrade those seats to first class or premium economy.  

(2) Get Your Mind Right. Your baby reacts to your emotions, so do what you need to do to destress.  I do 10 mins of mindful meditation right before we leave for the airport.  I say positive affirmations and I get into the mindset of whatever happens will happen and I will not let it upset me.

(3) Utilize the kindness of strangers.  People can be extremely kind, especially when they see a mother traveling alone with a child.  Use them.  They will help carry your luggage, fold your stroller, hold the baby on the plane while you run to the restroom.

(4) Doona is your friend.  My Doona stroller is my go to stroller for travel.  It is both a car seat and a stroller and unlike a lot of car seats and strollers, it isn’t bulky and is perfect for traveling

(5) Keep your baby awake.  I try to keep Ruth awake as much as I can before the flight actually takes off.  If this means her screaming in the airport, so be it.  I much rather let her get it out at the airport where we can walk around with ease then on the claustrophobic plane.

(6) Diapers.  Change your baby’s diaper right before you board the plane.  A clean diaper is everything.  Just trust me on this one.

(7) Nursing.  Let your baby nurse or bottle feed during take off and landing.  It will keep their little ears from hurting.

(8) Have an emergency kit super close by.  Pack a small bag with a change of clothes, wipes, and a diaper that you can put in the seat in front of you, in case of an accident or major blow out.  Keep this bag within arm’s reach in case you need to jet to the rest room.  Make sure you have a change of clothes for yourself in your diaper bag.

(9) Hydrate.  Stay hydrated Momma!  Water is everything.  Water is life.  Air travel can be extremely dehydrating and it is important that you are at your best, so drink up.  Avoid sodas and stick with water.

(10) Audiobooks.  If you baby sleeps during the flight, keep yourself entertained with a good audiobook.

I would love to hear about your experiences flying with your babies.  Please do comment below.  

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