Let’s be honest ladies. The world is a hot fucking mess.
We have Corvid19 circling the globe and we have an even deadlier and deeply rooted virus which many still refuse to acknowledge – racism.
At times it can be unbearable!
It’s one of the reasons I left the USA! I needed my mental and spiritual sanity! I needed to be free!
And I love my life abroad but the reality is that I will always be a Black American. HOW TO FIND JOY IN A BAT-SHIT CRAZY WORLD . I will also feel pain when Black people are suffering!
And many of you out there may feel the same! You are spent! You are exhauste! Your nerves are on edge,
I’ve written down the things that you can do to stay centered and grounded even as everything around you literally and figuratively burns!
1. Do a body scan
You know your body best so take time throughout the day to really check in with your body. Notice where wherever you feel pain, tension, anxiety. Maybe your jaw is clenched, your chest is tight or you feel a little sick to your stomach – consciously notice your body.
Take a minute or two or three to scan your body and become aware of wherever you feel pain, tension, anxiety.
Whatever it is, simply notice it and breathe into it. As you inhale, visualize sending breath into that space in your body. Exhale and let it pass. Just spend a few moments bringing breath to your body.
2. Sit on the ground and drink tea
This is exactly what it sounds like. It’s something I really like to do when I want to feel rooted. I make myself a hot cup of tea and then I literally sit on the floor in my house (or on the ground outside) and slowly drink it.
Drop the cell phone and just sit free of distractions.
This simple activity always helps me feel calm, reminding me that I am supported at all times by the earth beneath me. It’s also a proactive way to get out of doing and into being.
3. Watch or Read things that bring you joy
There is joy to be found even in difficult times. You might just need to actively seek it out!
4. Meditate
For this practice, you cultivate feelings of love, joy and kindness, and then you energetically send those feelings to yourself and others. HOW TO FIND JOY IN A BAT-SHIT CRAZY WORLD it helps you feel more connected to both friends and strangers.
5. Go for a walk
Go outside! Breathe fresh air! Connect with nature! Watch the birds flying! Despite the ugliness in this moment, the world is a beautiful place.
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