Black Children Abroad, World Schooling/Unschooling/Homeschooling

Embrace a New Way of Learning With Worldschooling and Unschooling

So, you’ve decided to homeschool your child. Or maybe you’re still on the fence and researching your options. You may have come across the terms “worldschooling” and “unschooling” and are wondering what the difference is between them and traditional homeschooling.

Worldschooling and unschooling are both forms of self-directed, child-led education. They differ from homeschooling in that there is no set curriculum or predetermined learning path for the child. The child chooses what to learn, when to learn it, and how to learn it.

Both worldschooling and unschooling have their pros and cons, and what works best for one family may not be the best fit for another. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at each of these unique educational approaches and help you decide which is right for your family.

What Is Worldschooling?

Just as the name suggests, worldschooling is a schooling approach that takes place all over the world. Children learn about different cultures and how to get by in different environments as they travel with their families. This can be through homeschooling, where the child remains under the parental instruction at all times, or through a more relaxed unschooling approach where the child is free to learn what they want, when they want, and from who they want.

The benefit of worldschooling is that children have a chance to learn about the world in a hands-on way. They aren’t confined to a schoolroom and a set curriculum; instead, they’re able to explore new places and new cultures. This can give them a more well-rounded education than they would get from traditional schooling methods.

Benefits of Worldschooling for Black Families

You’re probably wondering what the benefits of worldschooling are for black families. There are many!

One of the biggest advantages is that worldschooling allows children to learn about their heritage and culture in a hands-on way. They can explore their history and connect with their roots in a way that wouldn’t be possible in a traditional school setting.

Another benefit is that worldschooling provides children with an opportunity to travel and explore new cultures. This can help them develop a global perspective and learn about different ways of life.

Finally, worldschooling can help black families create a sense of community and kinship. By traveling and socializing with other families who are also homeschooling, they can build relationships that last a lifetime.

What Is Unschooling?

So what is unschooling, really? Unschooling is a whole new way of learning that eschews textbooks and classrooms in favor of real-world experiences. It’s a student-driven approach to education that allows kids to learn in the ways that best fit their individual needs and interests.

There are no limits to what kids can learn when they unschool. They can explore any topic that sparks their curiosity, from Spanish to science to Shakespeare. The sky’s the limit! Unschooling is also a great way to foster a love of learning in your child.

How Unschooling Is Different From Homeschooling

Unschooling is a different approach to learning than homeschooling. Unlike homeschooling, unschooling is not based on traditional curriculum or teaching methods. Instead, it centers around the student’s interests, passions and the environment that surrounds them.

For instance, if your child is interested in animals and wants to learn about them, you could take them out on nature walks and have them observe animals in their natural habitats. You can also have them read books or watch documentaries about different species of animals and discuss what they learned afterwards. Through this type of educational process, your child will be able to explore their interests at their own pace while having fun at the same time.

Unschooling also means that you are allowing your child to think for themselves and make their own decisions when it comes to their learning – an important life skill that will serve them well later on in life!

Challenges of Unschooling

If you’re considering unschooling, there are a few potential challenges that you should know. Unschooling requires a lot of planning and organization, not only in terms of setting up activities and offers various learning opportunities, but also in terms of mapping out how the learning will take place. It’s also a challenge to figure out when enough materials have been studied or activities completed.

Another challenge is ensuring that the social aspect is taken care of, since traditionally we learn through interacting with others. During unschooling, it may involve creating opportunities to connect with like-minded families or joining online communities or virtual classrooms. And lastly, although it is self-paced learning, some parents struggle when it comes to figuring out how to motivate their child if (or when) things get stuck in neutral.

Resources on Unschooling and Worldschooling

If you’re keen to delve in more deeply, the internet is teeming with resources to explore. To get started, check out books like Tom and Daune Baum’s The Unschooling Handbook or Sam George’s The Global Education Toolkit.

The Worldschooling Family Network also offers resources and helpful tips on how to plan your journeys and experiences. Check out the Worldschool Academy for step-by-step video instructions on how to prepare for worldschooling excursions, plus educator interviews and free access to a global network of homeschoolers.

If you’re looking for a more self-directed way of learning, browse around online bookstores or your local library for books on unschooling topics such as self-directed education, life learning, and personal growth. You can also find out more from experienced homeschoolers who have been through the process before you by following blogs and podcasts discussing these topics.

So, what is the difference between unschooling and world schooling? Unschooling is a type of homeschooling that allows children to learn through play, self-directed exploration, and real-world experiences. World schooling, on the other hand, takes unschooling a step further by incorporating educational travel into the child’s learning. This could involve traveling to different countries to learn about their culture and history, or traveling to different states or provinces to learn about the geography and history of that area.

Both unschooling and world schooling have their benefits, and it ultimately comes down to what works best for the family. If you’re interested in world schooling, start by doing your research and talking to other families who have experience with it. And if you’re interested in unschooling, start by considering your child’s interests and passions and how you can incorporate those into their learning.