1. Get organized. Set up your inbox and create a plan to empty it out at the end of the day. For me that means before I finish working for the day I put emails in one of 3 folders “To do,” “Doing” or “Done.” For emails that I have not had a chance to respond to, I sent a simple email which states, I have received your email and will follow up within 48 hours. Thank you.” I then move the email to my “to do” folder. For emails that I have responded to and require no further follow up, I move them to the “done folder” and for emails that I am actively working on I move to the “Doing” folder. Use these folders. They will help eliminate clutter in your inbox.
2. Make your 90-day plan to accompany the “onboarding” they provided you. Set those objectives early, including your long term goals for the next year. Do a proper swot (strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats) analysis to set expectations. Know your goals. Meet with your manager and get all your questions answered. Send an email to your manager immediately following the conversation summarizing the conversation and outlining your goals for the next 3 months.

3. Meet as many folks as you can and do a LISTENING tour. Getting work done can be relational, so start establishing strategic relationships. You’ll learn more by hearing from other folks. Write down ideas of how you can add value to your team based on these conversations and save these thoughts in a google document

4. Celebrate just how amazing you are! This is something you wanted. You went after it and you got it. Sent a calendar reminder to pop up on your screen every morning with these words: I am a rock star. Good things continue to come my way!
5. Get your rest. There is a lot of excitement wrapped into starting a new job, but you are your best when you are well rested, so get your sleep. They hired you because they recognized how amazing you are and you are indeed amazing. Respect yourself by making sure, you treat yourself well. Sleep!